Sunday, June 22, 2014

C4Ta #2: Eric Langhorst

My C4Ta #2 assignment was the blog of History teacher Eric Langhorst.

In Mr. Langhorst’s Field Trip: The Roasterie- Coffee in Kansas City, he discusses the trip he made with his wife just to a place in his local area. He makes the point that residents are the worst tourists because we rarely pay attention to the great places that we are around everyday.  That’s true here in Mobile, AL. We have so many historic places to see and learn from and many of the Mobile residents never pay attention to the history of our city.
Smiling Cappucino from Google

In Langhorst’s post Annotating an Image in Google Drive, he does just that. He shows how to annotate an image for uses that he lists such as:
  • labeling a math problem
  • describe areas on a map
  • describe the parts of a cell on a diagram
Annotating can be useful in many subject areas.

Google Drive Logo from Google

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